Hi! Hello! I’m sorry this took so long and because I’ve had serious personal issues it hasn’t been easy to do but the gallery is back online and I’ve added new things. First, the gallery is now located here: BRENDAN FEHR ONLINE GALLERY so please update your bookmarks!

I’ve added 1, 188 HQ Logoless Screencaps to the gallery from the remaining Season 4 Night Shift episodes including Family Matters, Keep The Faith, R3b0ot, Land of The Free, & Resurgence. Enjoy!

I’ve also added the remaining UHQ Episode Stills for Family Matters, Keep The Faith, R3b0ot, Land of The Free, & Resurgence into the gallery. A huge thank you to far, far, away site.
Additionally, I’ve added 312 UHQ Logoless Screencaps to the gallery from the remaining Season 2 Wynonna Earp episodes including Let’s Pretend We’re Friends, No Future In The Past, I See A Darkness, & I Hope You Dance.

I’ve also added 1 remaining UHQ Still from the Wynonna Earp episodes with thanks to far, far, away site.
Finally, I’ve added 25 UHQ Untagged photos from Brendan’s Public Appearance on 08-03-17: NBC Summer TCA Press Tour Day. I’ve added photos from the event as well as several UHQ Untagged Press Portraits. Thanks to far, far, away site and jessicalange.org.