I’ve added 398 HQ Screencaps of Brendan in ‘Recovery’ (Episode 2.01) of Night Shift to the gallery.

There’s also a recent interview with Brendan courtesy of Huffington Post Canada you can read more here at the source.
HuffPost Canada: What can you tell us about Drew’s journey this season?
Brendan Fehr: We use the end of Season 1 as a jumping point. Obviously he’s out now and Rick (Luke Macfarlane) is back. We’re back to the tragedy of it, in terms of Rick having had his leg amputated and the toll that takes on him. As a caretaker, what does that do to our relationship? To be perfectly honest, I’m not entirely sure where we’re going with it because we haven’t filmed that far yet, but so far I have an idea. As an actor it’s a great storyline to do. I get to work with Luke again, who I really love. We just had a hell of a time hanging out both on- and off-set, so it’s one that I’m almost looking forward to, as much as the fans. Even though I don’t know where that ends up!
I’ve added 8 BTS photos of Brendan courtesy of Gabe Sachs (@GabeStuff) on twitter to the gallery.