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Video/Photos: B+T (Baron + Toluca) updates –Part 10 – UFO Festival

Indiegogo The B+T fundraiser is at 180% and Brendan and Majandra have extended the campaign for as long as you all keep making donations per indiegogo. Keep it going!.

The UFO Festival took place July 2 – 4th, 2021. Several of you have donated your pics and (a few vids). Thank you to the following people: we want roswell back (nomi), lizparkerortecho, nsearchofsunrise, the roswell michelle, and roswellvirtualparty. (if any of you want to be credited differently or anything pulled email or dm me on instagram). All of the photos each of you have donated are HERE and in individual folders with your instagram names on them. if anyone else wants to donate anything and receive credit please email or you can dm brendanfehrnet on instagram or message on twitter. Screencaps for the opening ceremony are HERE. Three new official photos are HERE

2021 UFO Festival Opening Ceremony

Instagram videos via the roswell michelle

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Video/Screencaps/Website: Various Instagram Live Videos (covering the UFO Festival + Baron + Toluca) & BRENDAN-FEHR.NET is on Instagram + tiny note on ufo festival updates

Indiegogo The B+T fundraiser is going at 180% and Brendan and Majandra have extended the campaign for as long as you all keep making donations per indiegogo. Keep it going!.

Below are the following updates on the campaign with screencaps in the gallery. Updates are from Instagram. The Screencaps for the IG Live videos are HERE.

Instagram: The IG Lives – May 9, May 17, 2021, June 10, June 27, + July 4, 2021

The IG Lives are a few months old up to the most recent recap of the UFO Festival.

Also the site is now on Instagram. Click the post below to follow and find out more

UFO Festival Updates from various people with the appropriate credit will be posted in a few days

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Video/Screencaps: B+T (Baron + Toluca) updates – IG Live UFO festival and other inquiries – Part 9

Indiegogo The B+T fundraiser is almost complete at 180% and Brendan and Majandra have extended the campaign for as long as you all keep making donations per indiegogo. Keep it going!.

Below are the following updates on the campaign with screencaps in the gallery. Updates are from Instagram. The Screencaps for the IG Live videos are HERE.

Instagram: The IG Lives – April 26, 2021 + May 7, 2021

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Video/Screencaps: B+T (Baron + Toluca) updates – IG Live for the raffle items -Part 8

Indiegogo The B+T fundraiser is almost complete at 180% and Brendan and Majandra have extended the campaign for as long as you all keep making donations per indiegogo. Keep it going!.

Below are the following updates on the campaign and Saturday’s IG live that included the raffle winners with screencaps in the gallery. Updates are from Instagram. The Screencaps for the IG Live video is HERE.

Instagram: The IG Live

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News: B+T (Baron + Toluca) updates – New IG Live date and details featuring the Auction/Raffle items and current updates et al. – Part 7

Indiegogo The B+T fundraiser is almost complete at 180% and Brendan and Majandra have extended the campaign for as long as you all keep making donations per indiegogo. Keep it going!.

. The IG Live with more items (raffle auction is live and you can find the link to view (and bid) on all of it here: B+T RAFFLE/AUCTION ITEMS.

If you have you have any questions please email: Below are the following updates on the campaign via Indiegogo about the B+T Auction & Raffle.

Alright, dans, we got an update.. and a DATE!

We will be announcing the highest bidders of the auction and drawing the raffle winners on APRIL 10TH, at 10am PST/1pm EST. It will be on Brendan’s official FACEBOOK page. Be sure to tune in. Any questions, bids, or raffle stuff, email

***Drawing and bids will be closed on APRIL 9TH at 12am EST (MIDNIGHT).***

Be sure to get them in before then.

We have also ordered posters of ALL 3 of the newest images and will be putting up the first batch of 30 for sale. Autographs will be available. Details coming soon.

Now here’s the latest update for the auction and raffle items:

GANDARIUM CRYSTAL (nerd crystal) – $400



POSTER #1 (LIZ) – $400

POSTER #2 – $250


GUERIN’S BOOTS – 14 participants, 141 tickets

B+T FUNKO – 15 participants, 101 tickets

ROSWELL SCRIPTS – 32 participants, 252 tickets

Thanks to everyone who’s bought their tickets and made bids. We’re making a TV show, people! Be beware the deadline to get some more or get in for the first time.

Everyone has role.

Majandra and Brendan

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Video/Screencaps: B+T (Baron + Toluca) updates – IG Live + Auction/Raffle items et al. – Part 6

Indiegogo The B+T fundraiser is almost complete at 180% and Brendan and Majandra have extended the campaign for as long as you all keep making donations per indiegogo. Keep it going!.

. The IG Live with more items (raffle auction is live and you can find the link to view (and bid) on all of it here: B+T RAFFLE/AUCTION ITEMS.

. If you have you have any questions please email: Below are the following updates on the campaign and today’s IG live with screencaps in the gallery. Updates are from Instagram, Indiegogo and YouTube. The Screencaps for the IG Live video is HERE. The Screencaps for the B+T BTS videos (including the new poster reveals) are HERE.

Instagram: The IG Live

YouTube: The Poster Reveal

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News: B+T (Baron + Toluca) updates – Indiegogo et al. – Part 5; Auction/Raffle off and New IG Live on 3/15/2021

Indiegogo The B+T fundraiser is almost complete at 180% and Brendan and Majandra have extended the campaign for as long as you all keep making donations per indiegogo. Keep it going!.

Below are the following updates on the campaign from Twitter and Indiegogo and be ready for the event and raffle off/auctions on Saturday March 13, 2021, see the tweets below for more details about the time and the raffle/ auction details and the IG Live.

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Video/Screencaps: B+T (Baron + Toluca) updates – Indiegogo et al. – Part 4

Indiegogo The B+T fundraiser is almost complete at 180% and Brendan and Majandra have extended the campaign for as long as you all keep making donations per indiegogo. Keep it going!.

Below are the following updates on the campaign with screencaps in the gallery. Updates are from Instagram, Indiegogo and YouTube. The Screencaps for the IGTV videos are HERE. The Screencaps for the B+T BTS videos are HERE.


YouTube via Facebook:

The latest B+T Behind the Scenes.

Posted by Brendan Fehr on Saturday, January 23, 2021

Location Scouting. #BandT #dans #285South #Roswell NewMexico FilmMakers #iykyk BARON + TOLUCA

Posted by Brendan Fehr on Thursday, February 4, 2021

It’s coming… Available at:

Posted by Brendan Fehr on Saturday, February 6, 2021

The Baron and Toluca Dark Winter zip up hoodie now available on!!!! #BandT #dans #saladtossers #iykyk #candy #Roswell

Posted by Brendan Fehr on Tuesday, January 5, 2021

The Baron and Toluca Dark Winter zip up hoodie now available on!!!! #BandT #dans #saladtossers #iykyk #candy #Roswell

Posted by Brendan Fehr on Tuesday, January 5, 2021
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News: New television series about New Mexico cult may film in Belen

newsbreakapp – Brendan gave an interview to News bulletin about “Behind The Yellow House” click the link or read below.
BELEN — The Hub City is once again going to find itself in the background.

Late last week, members of the production crew and location scouts for a television show in pre-production were roaming the city of Belen looking for some prime real estate to film a new television series.

Kim Graham, the owner of Belen-based production company What Are The Odds, brought Brendan Fehr, one of the show’s executive producers to Belen to find locations that evoked just the right small-town vibe.

Brendan Fehr, executive producer of “Behind The Yellow House,” stands in front of the Belen Police Department, one of the locations he and the location crew scouted for the new show last week.

The show, “Behind The Yellow House,” is based on the true story of a New Mexico cult, a group of witches, that still exists and practices to some extent to this day, Fehr said.

“The show tells the story of Maggie, this young girl who is the chosen one. She is raised by her grandmother, who is the leader of the cult,” Fehr said.

The woman’s story is filled with dark rituals and abuse, ranging from human sacrifice to incest, he said, but she manages to escape and thrive.

“There are a lot of dark things in this show, things she was thrust into, but she escaped,” he said.

Fehr, who is best known for his role as Michael Guerin in the original “Roswell” TV series that ran from 1999 to 2002, will play a small role in the new show, that of Sheriff Brown.

“He’s investigating this cult, so he’s on the outside and really doesn’t know what’s going on,” Fehr said. “It’s a small town with a lot of secrets.”

While the show is based on a true story of a cult in New Mexico, and the woman known as Maggie is collaborating with creators, Fehr was clear it wasn’t about Belen.

“This happened in the late 1960s and we’re looking for locations that still evoke that era,” he said. “Projects with bigger budgets can just build a set. We need places that already have that look or can be achieved with a few changes.”

While they were in town, the group visited H.T. Jaramillo School and the Belen Police Department as possible filming locations.

Fehr said they really liked Belen’s “look.”

“It’s smaller, has more of a community feel, where everybody knows everybody else,” he said. “Other places might have something similar but there are tall buildings and have an urban feel.”

While the show will delve into the dark rituals and abuse that happened in the woods “behind the yellow house,” Fehr said he wants it to serve as a source of help to people experiencing abuse and other situations.

At the end of every show, there will be information and resources about sex trafficking and child abuse, he said.

“We want to provide resources to people experiencing these things. We’d like the show to do some good,” Fehr said.

Graham said she’s very excited to have the show film in Belen.

“I really want to highlight the positive things we’re doing here,” she said.

The show doesn’t have a distributor yet, Fehr said, so right now it’s a group of creative people coming together to bring the project to life.

“It’s a great story that does need to be told,” he said. “Artists and creative people don’t do well sitting around.

“The woman Maggie is based on, she went through some dark things. She came out of it one of the most positive and happiest people I know. There’s a lot of darkness to this show but, in the end, it’s all about the triumph of the human spirit.”

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Movies/Screencaps/Photos: ‘Wander’ UHQ Screencaps, ‘Biker Boyz’ Press Kit Photos + Info, ‘The Commando’ Director Interview & B+T on indiegogo still going

Brendan’s latest film ‘Wander’ is now on DVD in USA and Canada. I’ve added UHQ screencaps to the gallery. I’ve also gotten my hands on an old ‘Biker Boyz’ Press Kit and added scans and photos to the gallery as well. I also found an interview about ‘The Commando’ click below to check it out. Finally, B+T on indiegogo, is still going strong!


Asif Akbar on The Commando, Pandemic Shoots, and Delivering Consistently (source)

IFJ: Your latest feature, The Commando, is scheduled to come out soon. Can you tell us what it’s about?

AA: It stars Mickey Rourke and Micahel Jai White who plays James Baker a DEA agent. Baker returns home after a failed mission and is suffering PTSD. What he doesn’t know is that the house he is living in with his family has millions of dollars hidden all over within the walls and floors of it. Rourke plays Johnny. Johnny has just been released from prison and coming to get his money. Along with his goons, they will stop at nothing to retrieve the loot, except they don’t know they picked the wrong family to mess with. The film has a great ensemble cast as well, with supporting by Jeff Fahey, UFC legend Donald “Cowboy” Cerrone, Gianni Capaldi, Cord Newman and Brendan Fehr to name a few of the other guys. I hope everyone is going to enjoy what we have accomplished with this film as my vision with this was to make it a bit different from the recent typical action flicks. One of my greatest highlights of course on this one is working with the legendary Mickey Rourke.

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