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TV: Night Shift Season 1 + 2 on DVD ON 10/11/16 (REGION 1 – USA/Canada) PRE-ORDER LINK


Fans in the USA/Canada have been waiting for years for any news regarding NBC’s Night Shift to be released on DVD. Today the waiting ends. Check out more information about Season 1 + 2 being released below:

Amazon’s CreateSpace MOD (manufacture on demand) program has added pre-order listings for both The Night Shift – Season 1 and also The Night Shift – Season 2 on DVD. The 8-episode first season will come on 2 discs for $35.99 SRP. The 14-episode second season will come on 3 discs, and is priced at $45.99 SRP. The release date is October 11, 2016 for both seasons. (source)

Check out the cover art and the pre-order link for both seasons below:



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TV + Interviews: Night Shift “Burned” (3.13) HQ Screencaps, + Interview + ‘Breaker High’ Throwback Article (Includes Video)


Episode 3.13, the season finale, of Night Shift aired last night. I’ve added 120 3.13 HQ Logoless Screencaps to the gallery. Enjoy!

In addition, Brendan gave an interview about the season finale of Night Shift and some of his other projects. Click the embedded tweet below to read.

Lastly, check the next tweet for an article about Brendan’s appearance on 1997’s ‘Breaker High’ (includes video).

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TV + Interviews: Night Shift “Emergent” (3.12) HQ Screencaps, + Twitter Q & A + Fan Appreciation Project


Episode 3.12 of Night Shift aired last night. I’ve added 115 3.12 HQ Logoless Screencaps to the gallery. Enjoy!

Brendan also took part in a Q & A session on Twitter yesterday. If you missed it you can check out the answers at this sites tumblr via the embedded tweet below.

In addition, @TNS_Fans on twitter has a project to show appreciation to the cast. For more information, including how to participate, click on the information in the tweet below.

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TV + Interviews: Night Shift Season 4 Online Campaign + Video Interview


TNS_Fans on Twitter has posted information on how you can let NBC know you want Season 4 of The Night Shift. Click the tweet for more info or read below.

Calling all Night Shift fans! We want YOU to help let NBC know how much we love The Night Shift and want to see the story continue on in a 4th season! On August 10th & 17th join us for all-day online events as we show our support through Twitter, Facebook and other online platforms.

A few guidelines:
For contacting NBC through their online form, please only do so ONE time.

Contact them here –

On Twitter, we’re wanting to make a huge wave of Night Shift family love so we’d like to ask everyone to tweet this specific tweet at 10pm EST: .@NBC We love scrubbin’ in with our favorite doctors & nurses! Give us another dose of @NBCNightShift! #NightShiftS4 Also, throughout the entire day, please share your favorite photos, GIF’s & moments from the series and keep the conversations going using @NBC & #NightShiftS4 in your tweets.

***If you are NOT able to join us on Twitter you can schedule your Tweets in advance by using either Hootsuite or Tweetdeck

Check NBC’s official Facebook page to see if there are any Night Shift related posts and comment on THOSE posts only!

Link to the official NBC Facebook page: Please be considerate with your messages and refrain from harsh language & “bashing” other fans or the network.(source)

In addition here’s recent Interviews about Baron and Toluca, Night Shift, and his Golf Tournament that sets out to help ABQ schools with their Shine Partnership. Click below to watch.

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TV + Interviews: Night Shift 3.10 + 3.11 UHQ Screencaps, Video + Print Interviews


Episodes 3.10 + 3.11 of Night Shift aired last night. I’ve added 243 3.10 HQ Logoless Screencaps and 189 3.11 HQ Logoless Screencaps to the gallery. Enjoy!

In addition here are some recent Interviews about Baron and Toluca, Night Shift, and his Golf Tournament that sets out to help ABQ schools with their Shine Partnership. Click below to watch or read them.

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TV: Night Shift “Unexpected” (3.09) HQ Screencaps, + #NetflixforBandT organized tweet info for Saturday


Episode 3.09 of Night Shift aired last night. I’ve added 218 3.09 HQ Logoless Screencaps to the gallery. Enjoy!

There’s also an organized time for Netflix for B and T tweeting happening this Saturday. Click the tweet below to read more. Also don’t forget to tag all of your tweets to Netflix with the hashtag and @Netflix

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