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TV: Night Shift Season 4 Air Date + New Air Day Information


Night Shift is coming back for Season 4! While the number of episodes has not been revealed yet, information about the Season 4 Premiere Date + Airing Time have been revealed! Check out the tweets below for more information.

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TV: Mission C.I.N.D.Y. For B+T (B + T Campaign Info)


“Candies Implore Netflix (to) Descry (their) Yearnings” for B+T

We have heard of the movie, “Mission Impossible,” how every type of mission was carried out with acute precision by the person who was assigned to carry it out. They always used clever tactics to successfully complete the mission. Some missions were somewhat easy; not as challenging. For other missions it was necessary to call in people to help out with successfully completing the mission. What was envisioned as impossible feats ultimately turned into a victorious accomplishment. The agents always walked away with some bruises and battle scars, but also walked away with unmeasurable gratification for a job well done.

Fans and Dans are agents working on a single Mission since June, 2016. A Mission to some that may seem impossible, while others have their eye set on the Goal – Netflix picking up B+T. They keep strategizing how to carry out the mission in a way that we will have success!


So Fans and Dans, our next mission has been presented! Our next mission is to write a letter to Cindy Holland relaying what all Fans and Dans want so badly, “For Netflix to pick up B+T. ” For Netflix to hear our voices and see our tenacity. We need “agents” willing to join in and help to reach the goal. We need your help to be victorious; to send letters to Netflix. It will make a difference, YOU will make a difference.

Please send letters to Cindy Holland at this address:

Cindy Holland ℅: NETFLIX
335 N. Maple Drive
Suite 353
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(international fees for postage and handling)

Here are some helpful tips to add to your letter:

  • Roswell is still on NETFLIX which means fans are re-watching and being introduced to the show constantly. Having Brendan Fehr and Majandra Delfino would give the same “feels” though it’s a different show.
  • B+T is not Roswell – it’s different, exciting, mysterious, and already has thousands of fans
  • Date: When the promo went up on October 31 2016 there were 1,000 views within the first HOUR on Facebook!
  • Fans have been consistently tweeting #NETFLIXforBandT since the summer of 2016
  • Fans have sent in Honey and Tea
  • If you are super busy, a postcard will help too. Choose a pre-made card and print it or send it via (Tutorial). That’s a short, simple and fast way to make your voice heard as well.
  • Fans could add 1 Tea bag to the letter
  • Or a small ‘Netflix Or Bust’ sign (pre-made card)
  • Should you choose to accept the mission feel free to post your letter on social media as well to inspire other fans. Need inspiration? Look at Marey’s letter: B+T Campaign: A Heartfelt Letter To Netflix she wrote one to Peter Friedlander and now will do so to Cindy.



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    TV: “Quantity over Quality” With K-Cups is the B+T PHASE 3 Buzz Phrase! (B +T Campaign Info)


    We’ve shown Netflix what busy bee’s B+T fans and dans are by sporting our tenacity all across the internet letting our devotion to Brendan Fehr and Majandra Delfino shine through. We showed ardent support of their new project, B+T, by launching a Phase 1 which were all about the Saturday Tweet-a-thons we did aimed at getting Netflix’s attention of B+T with the hashtag #NetflixforBandT. Then there was Phase 2 in which fans and dans sent beautiful packages of honey and tea to the desk of Peter Friedlander, a key Netflix Executive, asking Netflix to pick up the B+T script. We closed this phase with an amazing Thunderclap that sent our loud cries with the same message across social media platforms.

    Now it is time for all loyal fans and dans to pull out all stops, focus on quantity, and promote PHASE 3.

    What is PHASE 3 you ask? Well let me explain:

    In PHASE 3 we will mail out another tangible item. We have escalated research and found yet another rung on the Netflix Executive ladder along with the perfect tangible item to use to get our point across: Honey infused K-Cups! PHASE 3 will be about sending big quantities of K-Cups to Netflix’s ‘Original Content’ Executive, Cindy Holland.

    In PHASE 3, ‘Quantity’ will be our main focus.

    We ask you to please join us in sending Cindy a large quantity of the of K-Cups that combines our B(ee)’s and T(ea)s in an all-in-one honey infused tea container called a K-Cup. But we have made it easy and simple! You don’t even have to go to the post office! Just mail the items through a gift registry we created on Amazon! The K-Cups are a unique solution because it can be purchased from your account and shipped with ease and convenience. If you don’t have an Amazon account, Phase 3 is certainly a great reason to open one.

    Nomi has created an amazing video that explains it all in tutorial fashion. The video takes you through the easy steps to order and ship the K-Cups straight to Cindy Holland’s desk directly from your account. You and your friends, job associates, and family will benefit from the convenience. They will share in your excitement once they see how easy it is to click the link and follow the order process. Let all the special people in your life join with you to make B+T Campaign history!

    Order Instructions*:

    a) Click link to take you to the order page:

    b)Select the Honey Infused K Cups and click on ‘Add to cart’.

    c)It will take you to another page. Click on “cart”. Now CHANGE the QUANTITY. If you can buy and ship more because remember, the more you send the better!

    d) After you change the quantity click on “Proceed to checkout”. It will then prompt you to sign into your Amazon Account.

    e) When you “choose shipping address” you will see it has Cindy Holland’s address as the ‘ship to:’ Click on “use this address”. You won’t have to type in her address, because it has already been added to the registry for your convenience. –You’re welcome!😉

    f) Importantly, fill in the Gift Message with something containing the following:

    1. B+T

    2. Brendan Fehr and Majandra Delfino


    g.) See example Gift Card text**: Dear Cindy, THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN! We want B+T(Get it BEE Honey + TEA!) Starring Brendan Fehr and Majandra Delfino to be picked up by Netflix! Go to 4 more info! Enjoy your Honey/Tea K-Cups!

    h.) Now follow with Payment and Shipping options; then click “Place your order.” (international rules and contengencies apply)

    i.) Voila! Your order has been completed

    *Be sure to watch the video for further in-depth instructions.
    **The maximum characters available for the Gift Card is 255. Be watchful of the spaces and lines.

    If you’re having issues with the B+T Amazon registry check out the following post for tips!

    Alright, Fans and #Dans! We must start another buzz all over social media platforms spreading the word to all our friends, family, and job associates that there is a B+T PHASE 3 that urgently needs everyone’s attention. Rally everyone we know to join in to support getting our point across to the Network Giant, Netflix, that we want to see Brendan and Majandra’s project on Netflix’s 2017 new show list; that we need everyone’s help to show Netflix in ‘Quantity‘ just how serious we are as fans. Like a hive of busy bees, let’s be worker bees and show our loyalty by continuing our cause! It’s easy, simple and fast!

    Let’s try to send at least 100 boxes in by Feb 14th!

    #NoExcuses #BandTogether #ForTheDans #NetflixforBandT

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    TV: Night Shift Season 1 + 2 Promotional Outtakes [UHQ]+ B + T Phase 3 News


    I’ve added a set of 13 new/old UHQ’s to the gallery from the Night Shift Season 1 and 2 promotional photoshoot that was done years ago. Huge thanks to Tania at

    Incase you haven’t heard we’re doing Phase 3 for Baron + Toluca. Head on over to Crashdown for more information. PHASE 3 OF B + T!

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    Night Shift has been renewed for a fourth season (no word on number of episodes)! Congrats to Brendan and the rest of the crew

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    TV: Baron + Toluca (B+T) Promo Trailer Screencaps [UHQ] + IMPORTANT B +T CLARIFICATION AND CAMPAIGN NOTE


    I’ve added 654 UHQ Screencaps of Brendan to the gallery from the Baron + Toluca promo video that Brendan directed to the gallery. Click below for more. Enjoy.


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    TV: B+T Campaign (Baron + Toluca) : Sweet As Honey. Spicy As Tea. NETFLIX, Please Bring Us B+T!


    B+T Campaign: Sweet As Honey. Spicy As Tea. NETFLIX, Please Bring Us B+T!

    b and t postcard bee + tea.inddHey fans & dans,

    We are lucky to have you on board for the next phase of our plan to get BARON + TOLUCA on our TV screens! We all have done an excellent job during the weekly Twitter Missions on Saturdays.

    Big thanks to everyone for staying behind this project and for spreading the word online and offline. Especially in the past month, we noticed that many new faces showed up on Twitter – and thanks to all of you who just created accounts just so you could join in and help!

    That’s what we call a real DAN!


    Watch & share the campaign video!

    Roswellians, dans & sci-fi fans: It’s time to get Netflix’ attention! After busy tweeting we are taking the campaign from a virtual approach to a physical one! You say you want B+T? Well, letʼs show them! We loved how Majandra and Brendan used the ‘bee’ + ‘tea’ icons for Baron And Toluca on social media. Let’s get started and join the “ B(ee) + T(ea)” campaign!


    Here’s what you can do:

    Send Honey* + Tea with any Baron and Toluca print out to Netflix, starting on October 1, 2016. How much should you send? Whatever amount represents just how badly you want it. We want to have a united front and flood the Netflix headquarter with B(ee) + T(ea) Between Oct 1 – Nov 30.

    Let’s make it count and get our message heard!

    We have to be surgical and precise. This is our last shot in getting Netflix to pick up BARON + TOLUCA. Please prepare your package and start sending it out on October 1, 2016. You may send multiple packages! Any number you want! We just have to get their attention! Be sure to mail your package allowing enough time for your package to arrive at Netflix between Oct 1 – Nov 30.

    Also, to achieve our goal, it is important that Netflix receives many-many first mailings in the same time period to avoid single packages, or letters trickling in that won’t have an impact.

    Just in case, that you can’t send a package (e.g. Due to your location and shipping costs) we have also prepared some postcards that you can print, write on and send to the headquarters. In addition, you can print out the amazing fan art you created over the past weeks and show NETFLIX your dedication.

    Don’t forget! Show us your B+T packages and postcards you prepared and get other fans on board. Take a photo, add the hashtag #NETFLIXforBandT and share it on social media!!

    B+T Physical Instructions.pdfSend Honey* & Tea With Any B+T print out to:

    335 N. Maple Dr. Suite 353
    Beverly Hills, CA 90210
    The United States of America

    How much do you send? Whatever amount represents just how badly you want it.

    Download Pre-Made Postcards

    bt_postcards_01 bt_postcards_02 bt_postcard_03 bt_postcard_4

    PDF: Layout 1 | Layout 2 | Layout 3 | Layout 4
    Download All as PDF file

    PHASE 2 – Partners:

    * or favorite syrup since we’ve all heard of the notorious honey shortage occurring around the world now or show Netflix the connection to B+T with a photo!

    For overseas mailing information check here and here

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