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TV: Brendan’s ep of Night Man available on DVD June 12, 2018 [USA + CANADA; Pre-order info] + iTunes USA DL Info + Screencaps


Thanks to a tip from Paige H on Facebook I was told that Brendan’s episode of ‘Night Man’ titled ‘It Came From Out Of The Sky’ will be released for the first time on DVD (which means better quality screencaps!). Here is the link for all pre-order info (including the amazon link). Night Man on DVD – June 12, 2018

The complete series DVD set will include Brendan’s episode and be released on June 12, 2018. Additionally, you can also buy the episode from the USA iTunes.

Here’s where to find the medium quality screencaps (updated!) done from the iTunes download in the gallery. They are better quality but are probably the best its going to get screencap wise.

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MOVIES: Brendan filming “Daughter of the Wolf” [Video + Screencaps]


Hi! I’ve found an article that includes a video of Brendan filming “Daughter of the Wolf”! The article doesn’t mention Brendan butthe video shows him filming the movie with his co-stars and crew. Click below to watch. If you want to read the article (though it doesn’t mention Brendan) click here.

In addition I’ve added 62 screencaps from the BTS video in the article to the gallery. Click below to enjoy!

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MOVIES: New Film Project ‘Daughter Of The Wolf’

Brendan has booked yet another film role. This time, again, in Canada. He teased this a while back with a picture of his haircut but I did some searching and was able to provide a bit more information along with some articles that provided info.

Richard Dreyfuss, Gina Carano, and Brendan Fehr are starring in the thriller “Daughter of the Wolf” with principal photography beginning in Kelowna, British Columbia.

Minds Eye Entertainment, Falconer Pictures, VMI Worldwide, and QME Entertainment are the production companies.

Carano plays a woman who returns home from her tour in the Middle East to the recent news of her father’s passing only to find herself at odds with her defiant 13-year-old son. When word spreads about her large inheritance, the son is kidnapped and held for ransom by a local gang led by a mysterious figure known only as “Father” (portrayed by Dreyfuss).

Fehr plays the kidnapper turned hostage. Rounding out the cast is Anton Gillis-Adelman as the son and Sydelle Noel as villainous kidnapper Hobbs.

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MOVIES: New/Old ‘Forsaken’ + ‘Biker Boyz’ B-Roll + Interviews [Video + Screencaps]


I’ve found a few other things on a flash drive that I had hidden. Apologies for the quality of it all but these videos were from the late ’90’s. I found clips from the digital press kits for The Forsaken and Biker Boyz that have Brendan in them. I’ve also added over 200 screencaps from these into the gallery. Click below to watch or scroll down below to click to view the gallery updates.


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Site Update: New/Old Audio + Video Interviews + UHQ Photos from the ATX ‘Roswell’ Reunion


I’ve found some new stuff that’s slightly old but I hope you all enjoy it anyway. I’ve added 2 new/old interviews to the audio section of the site. You can find that page here: Brendan Fehr Audio Interviews. I’ve added interviews from The Fake Show Podcast and The Sports Town Chicago Podcast. I think both of these involve Night Shift or are broad enough to where he might mention other projects. I’ve also found the following interview (embedded below to listen).

Next, I’ve found an old mini interview from Brendan talking about his time on CSI: Miami. I’ve embedded it below to watch.

Finally, I’ve added 48 new/old UHQ photos from the Roswell Reunion/Night Shift ATX weekend (most are from the Roswell Reunion). Click below to check them out.

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APPEARANCES + MOVIES: New/Old Movie Stills + 2014 Night Shift Mexico Press Conference [UHQ]


I’ve added some new and old things to the gallery. New film stills from Ice Quake and Adopting Terror have been added. I’ve also updated a few from The Forsaken and A Christmas Kiss. In addition I’ve also added 5 new photos from a 2014 Night Shift Press Conference that took place in Mexico. A huge thank you to MAD Online for providing this update.

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MOVIES: “Wrapped Up In Christmas” HQ Screencaps + Stills + More Air Dates & “The Ugly Christmas Sweater” Air Dates


Brendan’s newest Lifetime Movie now titled “Wrapped Up In Christmas” aired on Lifetime Saturday! has more info on how to view the film if you’re in the USA here (WUIC & The Ugly Xmas Sweater Air Dates). “Wrapped Up In Christmas” is also available to buy on the USA iTunes for $4.99. In addition please check out the link at for the dates and times of Brendan’s short film he directed titled “The Ugly Christmas Sweater” that will air 12/2 at 10 PM on Lifetime.

For now though, I’ve added 3 UHQ Stills from the film to the gallery to view. I’ve also added over 1,000+ Screencaps of the film to the gallery as well.

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