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MOVIES: Hallmark’s “Entertaining Christmas” [New Project; Airdate + Time + Info]


Brendan’s starring in another Christmas movie this year! This time it’s Hallmarks “Entertaining Christmas for more information including a day and time read below.

Entertaining Christmas (Dec. 16, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel)

STARS: Jodie Sweetin, Brendan Fehr

CONTAINS: Talk of the family “brand,” journalist falling in love with his story, Vermont

OFFICIAL SYNOPSIS: “Claire is a cookbook author, crafting expert, and television personality whose name is synonymous with perfection. As she contemplates retirement, her daughter Kara (Sweetin) is poised to become the new face of the Livingston brand. The only trouble is, Kara can’t cook. Or sew. Or do any of the signature things her mother is known for. When a young girl posts a video online requesting Claire help welcome her deployed father home for Christmas, Kara is sent in her place in an effort to prove herself a worthy successor to the board of directors and win the job. As Kara does her best to make a good impression, she gets more than she bargained for when the young girl’s uncle Joe turns out to be a reporter for the local paper, looking for his next story.”


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TV: “Wynonna Earp” Season 2 Blu-Ray available on Kickstarter Campaign


Thanks to @BeauSmithRanch for the information about the Kickstarter (see tweet below). If you’re wondering how to obtain Season 2 on Blu-Ray look no further below (for information).

Click here to view the Kickstarter (if you’re an Earper), or if you want to make the pre-order to get the blu-ray (see below and click the link for more information).

Pledge US$ 35 or more
Season 2 Blu-Ray

1 copy of the 2-disc Wynonna Earp Season 2 on Blu-Ray.
Estimated delivery May 2019
Ships to Anywhere in the world

Again you can find out more information and pre-order here: Wynonna Earp: Bad Day At Black Rock

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APPEARANCES + MOVIES: NEW/OLD UHQ 2014 Vanity Fair Party + “Wrapped Up In Christmas DVD [USA + Canada]


Brendan attended NBC and Vanity Fair 2014-2015 TV Season Event on September 16, 2014. I’ve added 35 more HQ’s to the gallery bringing the total for the event to 92. enjoy! Thanks to for the HQ’s.

In addition, I posted the details on Twitter but click the link for more information about “Wrapped Up In Christmas” being released on DVD next month.

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MOVIES: “Christina’s House” BTS ‘Making of’ Video + Screencaps [HQ]


I’ve found a video from 1998-1999 of Brendan on the set of Christina’s House from a ‘Making of’ video having to do with the film thanks to a foreign DVD release. I’ve added a set of 185 screencaps to the gallery from the ‘Making of’ featurette and I’ve also posted the tiny feature below to view. Enjoy.

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SITE + OFFICIAL: New Layouts! New Official Site Posts

Brendan Fehr Online ( has a new look! It’s not just on the site its also on the gallery. I hope this was a surprise after three years with the old layouts. Major thank you to Tania for all of her help in setting things just right.

In addition, as an extra surprise there’s a new section to the website that I’ve gotten permission from Brendan to re-post for his old and new fans.

Rants + Rages (Q+A’s) and Recs – Official Site PostsNEW SECTION!!!!!

In the following pages are posts from Brendan’s official website from 2000 – 2009. It includes Q +A’s (which were affectionately known as Rants and Rages because he did occasionally ‘rant’ as well). Recs was known as ‘Brendan’s picks’ and only a handful of those existed. I’ve tried to compile this as fully as I could given the length of time its been since everything was posted. Please note that all of these posts have not been edited for format or spelling errors and are posted in their entirety to view. I have been given permission by Brendan to re-post all of these here for the enjoyment of his new (and old) fans who are curious or simply want to enjoy them.

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PHOTOS: New/Old Film Stills + Public Appearance Photos [UHQ]


I’ve managed to update some film stills into UHQ from Nemesis Game, The Forsaken, Christina’s House, & Perfect Little Angels I’ve added a total of 11 new or updated stills. I’ve also added 7 new photos from old public appearances (including one that’s new). Huge thanks to Tania for the surprise.

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