I’ve added 260 HQ Screencaps of Brendan in Episode 4 of Night Shift to the gallery.
I’ve also added more ATX Festival Photos courtesy of their official facebook here.
I’ve also added more Twitter Photos that were posted.
I’ve also linked to an interview Brendan gave about Night Shift and his character.
Also, a note from Brendan re: the chances of renewal for the night shift can be read here (includes link to original post source)
From Brendan’s official message board posted by Brendan
“Well tomorrow, Tuesday the 17th at 10 pm on NBC, is the 4th episode of the television show you may have heard me talk about, The Night Shift. The first 3 have done really really well for us and I wanted to thank you for watching and TELLING YOUR FRIENDS (you did that right?). Well June 30th is the deadline for NBC to pick us up, which gives us 2 more aired episodes, including tomorrows, before we hear about our renewal. I’m asking for a big rally, even to the point of uncomfortably telling complete strangers to watch this show so we can make this decision a complete no-brainer for NBC. I don’t even care if you don’t like this show, you should consider “perjuring” yourself then, by telling everyone “it’s the awesomest show ever made, no word of a lie” for a tried and true friend like myself (realistically a true friend would never ask you to perjure yourself but then again, a tried and true friend would support their friend’s show so…) Tomorrow’s is a really cool episode for me and one I’m excited for so thank you for reading this plea/rant/diatribe/any other accurately descriptive word(s). May you find yourself on your couch tomorrow night, watching this show, receiving texts/calls from all those friends and strangers you told to watch, thanking you for telling them about it.”