Press/Video: ATX Festival Part III, + New ‘B+T’ Updates ( Deleted Scene Clip & Paris Event) + ‘Wynonna Earp’ Costume on Auction
In addition to the interview above here’s a few updates! 1. Brendan released a ‘Deleted’ B+T Scene on Youtube. Click below to view. I’ve also added screencaps to the gallery since the scene was officially released.

Next, if you don’t know there’s a fan event in Paris France for B+Tr with Brendan and Majandra taking place in September. Check out the video below and email for more information if you plan to attend.
And, last, if you’re a Wynonna Earp fan check out the below tweet. Three of the outfits of the group Brendan lead on the show are up for auction. (Link for the auction is in the tweet).
If you’re a @wynonnaearp fan or just a quirky @unrealfehr fan – three of the outfits worn by members of the group @unrealfehr was the leader of on the show are now up for sale. (Lot # 243,244,& 245).
— – brendan fehr online fansite (@brendanfehrnet) June 14, 2022
Link: ;
Press/News: An Important Announcement from the Canadian Academy – Awards Canceled, Where to Purchase/Stream/Rent/Buy Brendan’s filmography during ‘social distancing’
An Important Announcement from the Canadian AcademyIn light of most, if not all, country’s going through ‘social distancing’ and/or complete shutdowns (or under the possibility of them) due to the serious issue of COVID-19 I’ve put together a list of where you can legally Purchase, Stream, Rent, or Buy certain parts of Brendan’s filmography for USA/Canada. Check the twitter thread below I’ve compiled. Also check out the various media pages here for more clips and/or interviews. Stay safe, wash your hands, stay in doors, and enjoy.The Canadian Academy is deeply saddened to announce the cancellation of all Canadian Screen Week activities in Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver, including the national broadcast gala on Sunday, March 29th. Following a thorough review of Canadian Screen Week events and an assessment of the potential risk to our attendees, we feel this is the only responsible decision at this time.
We are committed to the celebration of our Canadian Screen Award nominees and Special Award honourees and will share an update in the coming weeks.
🎥🎞📺 THREAD: If you all need something to pass the time here’s @unrealfehr’s filmography are on platforms to rent/watch/stream or buy – iTunes, Vudu, Hulu, Googleplay, Netflix, Amazon Prime @unrealfehr @crashdowncom @roswellback @TNS_Fans
— – brendan fehr online fansite (@brendanfehrnet) March 16, 2020
The Night Shift is available in Germany on @NetflixDE. Staffel 1 – 4
— The Night Shift DE (@nightshiftDE) March 16, 2020
TV: “Wynonna Earp” Season 2 Blu-Ray available on Kickstarter Campaign

Thanks to @BeauSmithRanch for the information about the Kickstarter (see tweet below). If you’re wondering how to obtain Season 2 on Blu-Ray look no further below (for information).
BREAKING NEWS: Severed heads are out of the bag. Announcing the Kickstarter for Wynonna Earp: Bad Day At Black Rock Original Graphic Novel written by me and @realtimrozon , illustrated by @ChrisEvenhuis The Del Rey Brothers vs The Earp Sisters & MORE!
— BeauSmithRanch (@BeauSmithRanch) October 10, 2018
Click here to view the Kickstarter (if you’re an Earper), or if you want to make the pre-order to get the blu-ray (see below and click the link for more information).
Pledge US$ 35 or more
Season 2 Blu-Ray1 copy of the 2-disc Wynonna Earp Season 2 on Blu-Ray.
Estimated delivery May 2019
Ships to Anywhere in the world
Again you can find out more information and pre-order here: Wynonna Earp: Bad Day At Black Rock
Hi! Hello! I’m sorry this took so long and because I’ve had serious personal issues it hasn’t been easy to do but the gallery is back online and I’ve added new things. First, the gallery is now located here: BRENDAN FEHR ONLINE GALLERY so please update your bookmarks!

I’ve added 1, 188 HQ Logoless Screencaps to the gallery from the remaining Season 4 Night Shift episodes including Family Matters, Keep The Faith, R3b0ot, Land of The Free, & Resurgence. Enjoy!

I’ve also added the remaining UHQ Episode Stills for Family Matters, Keep The Faith, R3b0ot, Land of The Free, & Resurgence into the gallery. A huge thank you to far, far, away site.
Additionally, I’ve added 312 UHQ Logoless Screencaps to the gallery from the remaining Season 2 Wynonna Earp episodes including Let’s Pretend We’re Friends, No Future In The Past, I See A Darkness, & I Hope You Dance.

I’ve also added 1 remaining UHQ Still from the Wynonna Earp episodes with thanks to far, far, away site.
Finally, I’ve added 25 UHQ Untagged photos from Brendan’s Public Appearance on 08-03-17: NBC Summer TCA Press Tour Day. I’ve added photos from the event as well as several UHQ Untagged Press Portraits. Thanks to far, far, away site and

TV: Night Shift 4.03 “Do No Harm” + Wynonna Earp 4.05 “Let’s Pretend We’re Strangers” [UHQ + Logoless] Screencaps

Episode 4.03 of Night Shift – “Do No Harm” was aired this week. I’ve added 256 HQ Logoless Screencaps to the gallery. Enjoy!

Additionally, Episode 4.05 of Wynonna Earp – “Let’s Pretend We’re Strangers” was aired this week. I’ve added 186 HQ Logoless Screencaps to the gallery. Enjoy!

TV: Wynonna Earp Season 2 Ep 5 Episode Still

I’ve added 1 UHQ Promo Photos for Wynonna Earp Season 2 Ep 5 to the gallery thanks to far, far, away site.

TV + VIDEO: “Night Shift” ‘Off The Rails’ Screencaps [UHQ; Logoless] + New Access Hollywood Interview + Note

Episode 4.02 of Night Shift – “Off The Rails” was aired this week. I’ve added 207 HQ Logoless Screencaps to the gallery. Enjoy!

In addition, check out a new Access Hollywood video with Brendan via the tweet below. Thanks to TNS_FANS for the heads up.
#NightShift @unrealfehr Talks Drew's Rollercoaster Rescue & Newfound Fatherhood via @accesshollywood #TheNightShift
— TheNightShift_Fans (@TNS_Fans) June 30, 2017
Also, screencaps might not becoming for next week until Monday. Keep an eye out on Brendan’s twitter for some news this week.

I’ve added a set of 4 UHQ’s to the gallery from the Night Shift Season 4 Premiere entitled “Recoil”. Huge thanks to far far away site
In addition, I’ve also updated the quality of the screencaps of The Forsakenin the gallery to UHQ for your enjoyment. There are 732 UHQ screencaps of the film in the gallery.

Finally, check out the news below for “Roswell FM” and info about the Season Pass for “Wynonna Earp” (Brendan will be featured on four of the shows twelve episodes this season).
The iTunes season pass for #WynonnaEarp season 2 is now available for purchase!
— Wynonna Earp Podcast (@WynonnaEarpPod) June 5, 2017
VIDEO + SCREENCAPS: INDIEVUE Live Event + Facebook Live (see note)

The Indie Vue event took place but due to technical issues Brendan was only seen (not heard) on screen for a moment. I’ve added the brief seconds to the gallery in screencaps.

Since the Indievue event had issues Brendan immediately did a Facebook Live Session (see below tweets) answering questions about B + T, Night Shift, and Wynonna Earp.
Was a bit of a cluster. Doing a Facebook live now to help make up for it.
— Brendan Fehr (@unrealfehr) May 16, 2017
Click below to watch his Q+A Facebook Session. ETA: No idea if its a facebook error but the live session is down
TV: Brendan in Season 2 of Syfy’s “Wynonna Earp”

Today the Season Two Trailer for Syfy’s “Wynonna Earp” hit the internet. In that trailer (click here or in the tweet below) we can see a very familiar face. Also, and check out Brendan’s teaser tweet about the news. The second season starts on June 9 at 10 PM/9 Central.
TV APPEARANCE NEWS: @unrealfehr will be in S2 of @WynonnaEarp Check out the teaser for S2 in the linked tweet! 😊
— (@brendanfehrnet) April 1, 2017
He have brown hair, brown eyes, 'bout 6 feet and extremely jealous of @realtimrozon's moustache?
Mmmmmmaybe…— Brendan Fehr (@unrealfehr) April 1, 2017