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News/Photos/Video: Majandra and Brendan IG Live (8/12/22) + Screencaps + Brendan and Majandra are going to German Comic Con

Brendan and Majandra did an IG Live this afternoon (8/12/22) discussing France among other things. Click below to watch. I’ve also added screencaptures to the gallery. In addition check below for some futher exciting news as Brendan and Majandra are now guests for German Comic Con. Check the posts below for more information.

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Video/Screencaps/Website: Various Instagram Live Videos (covering the UFO Festival + Baron + Toluca) & BRENDAN-FEHR.NET is on Instagram + tiny note on ufo festival updates

Indiegogo The B+T fundraiser is going at 180% and Brendan and Majandra have extended the campaign for as long as you all keep making donations per indiegogo. Keep it going!.

Below are the following updates on the campaign with screencaps in the gallery. Updates are from Instagram. The Screencaps for the IG Live videos are HERE.

Instagram: The IG Lives – May 9, May 17, 2021, June 10, June 27, + July 4, 2021

The IG Lives are a few months old up to the most recent recap of the UFO Festival.

Also the site is now on Instagram. Click the post below to follow and find out more

UFO Festival Updates from various people with the appropriate credit will be posted in a few days

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Video/Screencaps: B+T (Baron + Toluca) updates – Indiegogo et al. – Part III

Indiegogo The B+T fundraiser is almost complete at 170% and Brendan and Majandra have extended the campaign another 60 days per indiegogo. Keep it going! Below are the following updates on the campaign with screencaps in the gallery. Updates are from Facebook,Indiegogo and Twitter.


The Screencaps are HERE.

A new batch of perks was announced on the live stream check the below tweets for more information on whats now available and new on indiegogo.

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News/Video/Screencaps: Brendan + Majandra Host Instagram Live Rewatch of Roswell’s ‘Departure’ + B+T Merchandise Info

Baron + Toluca Twitter – Brendan and Majandra Delfino are hosting a ‘series’ of Roswell rewatches live on Instagram. The last of these was for ‘Departure’. Please note that Majandra saved the post on IGTV for playback for fans and you can find it to view at the following link: Depature rewatch

Also in the NEWS front please check out the BARON AND TOLUCA MERCH PAGE for information on how to purchase your hoodies, shirts, and tank tops to support B +T.


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