TV: Night Shift “Get Busy Livin’ ” (3.05) + “Hot In The City” (3.06) HQ Screencaps + #NetflixforBandT organized tweet info for Saturday

Episodes 3.05 and 3.06 of Night Shift aired last night. I’ve added 78 3.05 HQ Logoless Screencaps and 163 3.06 HQ Logoless Screencaps to the gallery. Enjoy!

There’s also an organized time for Netflix for B and T tweeting happening this Saturday. Click the tweet below to read more.
It's time to get @baronandtoluca on Netflix! Join us on Sat. at 6 PM. Watch this video @roswellback for the details:
— Crashdown – Roswell (@crashdowncom) June 30, 2016