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ATX Festival Updates – Roswell Reunion Panel Vids, Interviews, and Karaoke

Here’s a few videos from the ATX Festival this weekend! One is Brendan doing karaoke, and the other are Roswell Reunion vids!

In addition more interviews have been written check them out below.

This was definitely the biggest TMI moment of the conference, with Brendan Fehr — who played Michael Guerin — giving an explicit play-by-play of a dare that ended with him peeing his own pants.
Shiri’s shocked expression says it all.

TV Guide Magazine: Let’s scare the network. Tell us an idea that didn’t make it on to the screen.
Sachs and Judah: It’s not printable

What is it like portraying a gay military character?

Brendan Fehr: I mean it’s interesting. It’s, that was the challenge that when I read the script, it was something that just struck me. I felt like I had something to offer to that role. You don’t want to take a role that you don’t feel that you can kind of elevate and have something to offer. It was the struggle. Whether you agree or disagree, it was the pain of this character that you just saw on the page that he couldn’t be who he wanted to be, you know, or who he is. I think for anyone, that’s just something that is everyone can kind of sympathize and empathize with. And so, it was just wanting to tell his story and making that available to not only the LGBTQ community to kind of hold on to, you know what I mean? And to be someone there where they can be, that’s yes, I get that, and to just something that, um, for them to hang onto a little bit or to relate to. But also just on a bigger, on a human level, to have other people who might not have understood it or might not agree with it, to give them just a different perspective. To, as an actor, try to tell this guy’s story in such a way that was so well written that other people will just be like…I never saw that part. You know what I mean? I just read it in newspapers and I just see it, and I just get a little news clip of, you know, the gay and the military and this and equal rights and marriage, and then to have them sit there and watch it actually. Because when you see something with your own eyes, when it’s part of an experience, you are always going to view it in a different light, you know what I mean? There’s something there of being there instead of just reading about it. I think that was kinda my challenge, and I was excited to live up to that and to bring everybody into his story.

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ATX Festival – Roswell Reunion Photos + Articles, Plus Night Shift Photos + Articles & Twitter Photos


There’s also interviews with Brendan at the links below about the Roswell reunion as well as The Night Shift.

“I get to look back on all the mistakes I made in terms of how I handled things … you were just a child, there’s a certain level of maturity and experience you don’t have,” Fehr mused. “Looking back on it, it’s taught me how to be a better actor in terms of being professional and appreciating what you have… We were so young — just as a cast, we were all learning at the same time, and if we had been in the place we are now, it would’ve been different. I don’t have any regrets, but I think we all know that we’ve matured in some way that it would be a much more interesting experience — it would be easier on some levels.”

The ATX Television Festival staged a 15-year anniversary reunion of The WB’s Roswell on Sunday. Stars Shiri Appleby, Jason Behr, Brendan Fehr, Majandra Delfino and Nick Wechsler were reportedly there, along with creator Jason Katims. The sci-fi series debuted 1999 and ran for three seasons (the last on UPN) before getting axed due to soft ratings in 2002.

“You look ahead, but you’ve gotta learn to enjoy what you have. And then, when your kids get older, you look back. I’m at that point, especially with Roswell. It was a milestone. It wasn’t the biggest show in the world, but it was popular. It was loved. I had a lot of fun on it. I wish I had the same attitude and temperament about it then, as I do now.”

“Not so much. They talked to a guy about it a little bit. Not too much for me. It is bunch of different people that Jeff Judah had in mind. I think a combination of about 2 or 3 people. I remember talking to this one guy. He was a medic in the army. You asked about one thing, and his face just changed and you could tell there was something inside his head; you could see in his eyes. That was so real to him that imprinted on him on his brain, his heart, his soul, so powerful. With the military aspect, as much fun as we have with that, we definitely try to honor that to the best of our ability. Because the sacrifices these men did are so huge, I don’t think you can wrap your brain around it unless you are over there. We do our best to try to honor that to the best of our ability.”

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Night Shift Interview + Why A Roswell Movie Will Probably Never Happen Articles

Q) How did you prepare for this role?

A) I did a lot of research. I read a lot about military medics and a lot of the stories of Army medics. They all seem to be cut from the same kind of cloth and the most intriguing part was the guys that were shooting at them trying to kill them ten minutes before they’d be trying to save their lives. When you saw someone after the fire fight is done, when you see someone suffering and dying, as a medic your job is to save their life. You might save their life and then have them arrested. It was just their whole M.O., what they lived for was to make sure their brothers were safe and cared for until the very end. They’ll put themselves in harms way to do it. It really creates a solid foundation to build a character from who has a lot of character and a lot of integrity. It was a great start. I read a lot of military books and a few medical books. Trained Big John McCarthy for some MMA, which was a lot of fun.

“I will say no to any kind of movie or anything like that, only because I don’t have the imagination to see where that character is,” Fehr explained of being hesitant to return to the fan-favorite role of Michael. “I’m not sure I can get back in his head that way. Because my youth and inexperience played such a big part in that role, that after getting married and having three kids, you’re like, ‘Can I put myself back in that headspace and find that?’ I think I could, but I’ve never gone down that path. So I can’t see it, just because of lack of imagination more than anything else. But it would be interesting to see what others think.

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New HQ Episode 2 & 3 Stills, Promo Photo, another interview

I’ve added new HQ stills for episode 3 to the gallery as well as 3 new HQ episode 2 stills, and a new promotional photo of Brendan, with thanks to far, far away site.


There’s also another interview with Brendan at the link below.

“I’m the farthest thing from a hypochondriac. I can have something really obviously wrong with me and I’ll be like ‘I’ll just give it a day or two’…I do not want to go to a hospital!”

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Night Shift Episode 2 HQ Screencaps, Various Night Shift Interviews, & Twitter Photos

I’ve added 205 HQ Screencaps of Brendan in Episode 2 of Night Shift to the gallery.

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I’ve also linked to several Interviews Brendan gave about the show and his character this week.

I just hope people, regardless of their beliefs, see that I played Drew as a human being that’s just going through a struggle.

You’re going to see him deal with it like you’d see anyone else deal with a secret that they don’t want anyone else to know.

When I first got the pilot, I thought it was great. There were a lot of risks involved in a character like that. If I was going to play a gay character on television, I didn’t want it to be typical. I wanted it to be different. So as I got close to getting the part, I had long talks with people on the creative side about who they wanted the character to be, where we want to go with him and how we wanted to define this character. And we were all on the same page that I wanted to play him as a human, you know what I mean? As a guy who fights and works to save lives.

I’ve also added more Twitter Photos that were posted last night.


Along with the ATX TV Festival Roswell Reunion this upcoming weekend there’s a chance to attend a moderated panel and screening of “Night Shift” this coming Friday in San Antonio, TX. Click the link for more information.

Scheduled to appear in S.A. are four of the show’s leads — Freddy Rodriguez, Jill Flint, Daniella Alonso and Brendan Fehr — as well as executive producer Gabe Sachs.

It will happen at 7 p.m. on June 6 at City Base Cinema, 2623 S.E. Military Drive. A screening of two episodes, one of which will be new (not yet seen by TV viewers), will be followed by a Q&A with the celebrity panel. The event will be moderated by WOAI-TV anchorwoman Evy Ramos.

And, finally, TV Guide has a look at Episode 3 next week, click below to watch!

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Press/TV/Photos: Night Shift Interview, Twitter Photos, and Stowaway BTS Photo

Buddy TV has an interview with Brendan about his character Drew. You can watch it below.

In the pilot episode of NBC’s new series, The Night Shift, viewers discovered that one of the characters was keeping something very important about himself from nearly everyone he knows. BuddyTV was on set with the cast last fall and spoke with star Brendan Fehr about the impact that Drew’s secret will have on him and everyone as the season progresses.

I’ve also added more Twitter Photos that were posted last night.


I’ve also added a BTS Photo of Stowaway to the gallery.

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Press/TV: Night Shift Pilot HQ Screencaps, Episode 3 HQ Still, New Episode 1 Stills & Twitter Photos

I’ve added alot to the gallery tonight. Since moving the gallery I’m able to add alot more HQ content.

Since Night Shift premiered last night I’ve added 151 screencaps to the gallery.

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I’ve also added a new HQ still for episode 3 to the gallery as well as 6 new HQ episode 1 stills, with thanks to far, far away site.


And, lastly, I’ve added 3 new Twitter Photos Brendan posted to the gallery.


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Press/TV/Movies: Night Shift Interviews, Screencaps, Twitter Photos, & Stowaway Stills

Two Night Shift Interviews are now online. One I added before the layout was switched, the second is new. Click below to view them.

I’ve added screencaps of both of these interviews to the gallery.


Also added to the gallery are a few twitter photos and some stills from Brendan’s recent film Stowaway that were added before the layout and gallery switch.


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