Brendan is now on the CAMEO website and app service! BRENDAN FEHR ON CAMEO
What is CAMEO and how does it work? Check out CAMEO – FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS for more or read on below. There’s also a CAMEO app to download for those of you on the go!
Q: What is Cameo?
A: Cameo is a platform where fans can book personalized video shoutouts from their favorite celebrities, athletes, or influencers. Our mission is to create the most authentic and memorable fan experiences in the world.
Q: What occasions are Cameos good for?
A: Cameos are perfect for any occasion! Want to wish your friend Happy Birthday? Roast your buddy? Or just hear from your favorite talent? As long as the request is appropriate, talent will be excited to do your Cameo!
Q: Do I get to keep my Cameo?
A: Of course! Download your Cameo, share it across your social media pages and save it for life! Once it is sent to your email and texted to you – it is yours forever.
For more FAQ please check out the link above (the screenshot also lists all the details as well!)
Once again Brendan’s page is here: BRENDAN FEHR ON CAMEO
Finally, in a bit of a personal note, I have to put this site on hiatus for a while. As much as I wish I didn’t have to — an extreme loss that occurred last year has had drastic effects on my life that haven’t been for the better. I need some time, more importantly though, Brendan needs time to give you guys some awesome content so I can update. So, thank you, I’ll be around but not as much. — Samantha
Is Brendan doing cameos again?
he never stopped doing them 😉 feel free to go ask him for one