Movies: ‘Only I’ Film Clips + “Flashback Monday” A Christmas Kiss Film Stills

I’ve added 3 new stills for A Christmas Kiss in the gallery for “Flashback Monday”. ‘Only I..’ Film clips have surfaced online and Brendan’s official facebook is now added to the sidebar of the site!

Two Clips from ‘Only I..’ have been posted online. Click below to watch.
PHOTO + VIDEO: The Screen Actors Guild Foundation’s 6th Annual Los Angeles Golf Classic (More)

I’ve added a set of 33 new HQ’s to the gallery from Screen Actors Guild Foundation’s 6th Annual Los Angeles Golf Classic of Brendan. Huge thanks to Tania at The total number of photos is 96!

In addition, I’ve added a mini interview of Brendan at the event to the video section of the site or you can click below to watch. Huge thanks to Tania at for her help in getting some of the new videos you guys are going to see.
MOVIES: ‘Only I’ Film Campaign
Are you ready to help us make sure that EVERYONE knows about ‘Only I…’?
Are you ready to help us get #OnlyIFilmCampaign TRENDING worldwide?
Are you ready to help us make our completed film ‘Only I…’ SUCCESSFUL?
When Rodny began his journey of making ‘Only I…’ he knew it was going to be a lot of hard work. He wanted to make a big splash by showcasing the film through his filmmaking abilities, the talents of our incredible cast, and the universal theme of chasing your dreams, which everyone can relate to.
Getting an independent feature film made is a huge feat. Getting an independent feature film released properly is an even larger feat.
That is why we have created the #OnlyIFilmCampaign
Throughout our campaign, we will be posting selected clips and photos from the film; Engaging in a lot of great fan interactive activities; We will be going on an online campaign trail; and starting a crowd funding campaign, which will help us with the promotion and release of ‘Only I…’ (We will announce the start of the crowd funding campaign at a later date).
We are relying on the support of the FANS to assist us with our PR efforts to make sure that ‘Only I…’ gets the recognition, promotion and release that it deserves.
We have set up the film on, and everyone who would like ‘Only I…’ to come to their city, can click on the ‘Demand it!’ button. Here is the link:
This is OUR time!#LetYourVoicesBeHeard
VIDEO: “Flashback Tuesday” Music Videos

Since News may be a bit slow I’ve decided to dig out my collection of things you guys might like to see. I’ve added two new videos in the Media Section. Here’s a preview of them. Below that you’ll find links to the pages and a list of added content. (Also, please note, the videos may be slightly medium to low quality because of the time frame -these videos are from 10 years ago).
Here’s what’s been added to the Media – Video pages:
U2 – Stuck In A Moment (You Can’t Get Out Of) Vanessa Carlton – Pretty Baby
All of the Videos can be found at this page: Music Videos.
PHOTOS: The Screen Actors Guild Foundation’s 6th Annual Los Angeles Golf Classic

I’ve added a set of 64 new HQ’s to the gallery from today’s Screen Actors Guild Foundation’s 6th Annual Los Angeles Golf Classic of Brendan. Huge thanks to Tania at
More may be coming so stay tuned incase this post is updated!
VIDEO: “Flashback Tuesday” Various Interviews & Appearances

Since News may be a bit slow I’ve decided to dig out my collection of things you guys might like to see. I’ve added 13 new videos in the Media Section. Here’s a preview of some of them. Below that you’ll find links to the pages and a list of added content. (Also, please note, the videos may be slightly medium to low quality because of the time frame – alot of these videos are from 15 or so years ago).
Here’s what’s been added to the Media – Video pages:
Star TV Interviews – 1 + 2 Roswell BTS Interview + Roswell WB Promo Much Music Music Countdown MTV Canada Appearances – Snowjob 2001 + Select Show Vicki Gabreau Show Interviews – Roswell + Edge of Madness BBC Newsround Appearance Forsaken Press Interview Sugar Press Interview Much Music Video – Award Show Appearance
All of the Videos can be found at this page: Show Interviews, with the exception of the Sugar and The Forsaken Press Interviews which can be found here: Movie Interviews as well as the Much Music Video Awards which is here: Award Appearances
See you guys in the coming weeks with some other stuff!